Kindergarten Program

Age Range: 5 to 6 years

Building Foundations for Future Learning

Golden Wings Academy’s Kindergarten Program is thoughtfully structured to blend a whole language philosophy with developmentally appropriate learning experiences, all designed to enrich and support your child’s educational journey. We recognize that the early years of schooling are pivotal, and our curriculum is crafted to ensure that children grasp the joy and importance of learning from the very start.

Whole language learning in our program involves immersive activities that incorporate environmental print and letter-sound recognition, among other literacy fundamentals. We understand that literacy is not just about reading and writing but is a comprehensive approach that integrates all language aspects—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—into the curriculum.

Our Approach to Kindergarten Development

Our Kindergarten Program is where foundational academic skills are developed and social competencies are nurtured, ensuring a well-rounded start to your child’s educational path.

• Whole Language Learning:

We engage children in literacy-rich activities that make reading and writing relevant to their everyday lives. From environmental print to systematic letter-sound recognition, our approach is designed to cultivate a deep understanding and love for language.

• Social Skill Enhancement

Social development is key at this stage. We focus on essential skills such as conflict resolution, appropriate peer and adult interaction, and following directions. Our environment encourages children to practice these skills daily, laying the groundwork for positive social interactions.

• Mathematics Curriculum

Aligned with the whole language approach, our math curriculum is integrated into everyday activities, both in school and at home, making it relevant and meaningful. We explore concepts that children encounter in their own worlds, enhancing their natural mathematical understanding.

• Interactive Learning Centers

Our learning centers are dynamic areas within the classroom where children can engage in hands-on activities. These centers reflect various themes and subjects, all of which are carefully chosen to be developmentally suitable for kindergarten students.

• Parental Involvement

We believe that a child's success is greatly enhanced by parental support. We encourage an active partnership with parents, reinforcing the academic program at home and ensuring consistent daily attendance

• Open Communication

A triad of communication between parents, students, and the school is vital. We maintain open lines of communication to keep parents informed and involved, which is essential for providing a strong educational foundation.

Our Kindergarten Program is designed not just to teach but to inspire a positive and realistic attitude in children towards themselves and the learning process. With the support and collaboration of parents and educators, we aim to make the kindergarten year a successful and affirming experience for every child.